日期: 2012 - 06 - 25 00:00:00 作者: 來源: 生物谷 責編: Sean 瀏覽次數: |
研究者使用正常雌性小鼠的雄性后代小鼠作為研究對照;相比對照組,研究者們發現在青年期暴露于WIN-55,212-2的小鼠后代更易于選擇含有嗎啡的盒子(morphine-paired chamber),結果揭示了這些小鼠更偏向于選擇阿片劑藥物。相關研究成果刊登在了國際雜志Journal of Psychopharmocology上。
編譯自:Mothers' Teen Cannabinoid Exposure May Increase Response of Offspring to Opiate Drugs
Cannabinoid exposure in adolescent female rats induces transgenerational effects on morphine conditioned place preference in male offspring
John J Byrnes, Nicole L Johnson, Marian E Schenk, Elizabeth M Byrnes
In the United States, marijuana is one of the drugs most abused by adolescents, with females representing a growing number of users. In previous studies, treatment of adolescent female rats with morphine significantly altered brain reward systems in future offspring. As both cannabinoid and opioid systems develop during adolescence, it was hypothesized that early exposure to cannabinoids would induce similar transgenerational effects. In the current study, female rats were treated with the cannabinoid receptor (CB1/CB2) agonist WIN 55,212-2 or its vehicle for three consecutive days during adolescent development (30 days of age), and were subsequently mated in adulthood (60 days of age). The adolescent and adult male offspring of these WIN 55,212-2 (WIN-F1)- or vehicle (VEH-F1)-treated females were tested for their response to morphine using the conditioned place preference (CPP) paradigm. Both adolescent and adult WIN-F1offspring exhibited greater sensitivity to morphine CPP than their VEH-F1 counterparts. Collectively, the findings provide additional evidence of transgenerational effects of adolescent drug use.