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日期: 2006 - 10 - 10   作者:   來源:   責編:   閱讀次數:
 目的 了解尿激酶型纖溶酶原激活劑(uPA)與膀胱腫瘤程度及浸潤深度之間的關系!》椒ā〔捎妹嘎撁庖呶綄嶒灒‥LISA)檢測51例膀胱移行細胞癌病人術前、術后靜脈血及腫瘤組織uPA含量!〗Y果 G3腫瘤組織uPA含量明顯高于G1和G2(P均<0.01),G1與G2間uPA差異無顯著性;浸潤癌腫瘤組織uPA含量明顯高于表淺腫瘤組織(P<0.05)。病人術前及術后靜脈血uPA含量與正常人靜脈血uPA含量差異無顯著性!〗Y論 腫瘤組織uPA含量可以反映膀胱腫瘤的惡性程度和腫瘤浸潤深度。

Urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) in the neoplastic tissue and peripheral blood of bladder cancer patients

YANG Jinyi,LI Shao,ZhOU Rongxiang,et al.

  Department of Urology,the Affiliated Hospital of Binzhou Medical College, Shandong 256603

  Abstract Objective To study the uPA level in the neoplastic tissue and peripheral blood of bladder cancer patients. Methods 51 cases of transitional cell bladder cancer were studied by means of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Results uPA content in neoplastic tissue of grade Ⅲ tumors was obviously higher than that in grade Ⅱ or grade Ⅰ tumors (P<0.01) whereas there was no significant difference between grade Ⅰ and grade Ⅱ tumors.uPA content was also higher in the invasive tumors than the superficial ones (P<0.05).There was no significant difference in peripheral blood uPA between bladder cancer patients and normal subjects. Conclusions uPA content in the neoplastic tissue might be a useful index of the degree of malignancy and invasiveness of transitional cell bladder cancinoma.

  Key words Bladder neoplasms  Carcinoma  Urokinase




  1996年8月~1998年5月本院收治膀胱癌51例,病理證實均為移行細胞癌。男38例,女13例,年齡24~72歲,平均61歲。按UICC標準分淺表性(PTa~PT1)36例,浸潤性(PT2~PT4)15例。按WHO標準G1 14例,G2 24例,G3 13例。51例患者中23例行經尿道電切術,19例行膀胱部分切除或加輸尿管再植術,9例行全膀胱切除術。所有病人術前及術后1周抽取前臂靜脈血2ml,離心后-20℃保留血清,另留取10例正常人血清做對照。經尿道電切前用活檢鉗鉗取腫瘤標本及肉眼觀察正常膀胱粘膜,開放手術待標本切下后,立即取腫瘤標本及距腫瘤邊緣2cm以外肉眼觀正常之膀胱粘膜。另取非膀胱癌患者膀胱粘膜10例,其中前列腺增生癥7例,膀胱頸梗阻3例,平均年齡68歲。標本取出后立即-70℃冰凍保存。

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